Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sakatah State Park, MN

Left Pipestone this morning after dumping my tanks. Wind from N
today. Lots of wind power fields out here. Just past Pipestone is a
big plant that makes wind turbines. Stopped at Blue Earth, MN to see
their 60 ft. statue of The Jolly Green Giant! Along the way saw these
fighter jets by an airport.

Got to Wholesale Tires in Morristown and my tire was there so I
lowered the bad spare and they mounted the new one. While underneath I
noticed the tires were pretty cracked on the INSIDE; the side away
from the sun?! Not reassuring. Looks like I should replace them all
soon. Glad Zi got the spare!

4 miles from the tire place is pretty Sakatah Lake and I'm camped here
for the night. Really autumn here; a lot of leaves in the ground

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