Saturday, October 6, 2012


I had left the restaurant  and was on my way back to the campground when I felt a vibration that was unusual. It began to be more of a thumping and I guessed I had a bad tire. No place to turn off on the Levee Road and no shoulder. I only had 5 miles to go so crossed my fingers then B A M!!! The outside right rear tire exploded and pieces of it started whipping against the motorhome banging like crazy.  Left black marks around the wheel well.

I stopped in the middle of the road. Couldn't change it here. I got my hunting knife and cut away the strips that were hanging out and decided to try and make the campground on the single tire left. I added air to that tire and set off at 12mph for 3 miles.  Luckily I made it. Pulled in, jacked up and put on the new spare I'd bought last trip in Minnesota.

So now I have no spare and have 1,500 miles to get home. Don't even have cell service here so I can't call around.  I'll decide tomorrow; I'm pretty worn out,.

Oh, the puddle in the photo is water from the cab a/c. I kept checking the tranny leak and saw nothing all day?









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