Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup

It was pretty neat but not quite as big as advertised, buffalo-wise.

I got up @ 5AM (which is about the earliest since I retired!). Parking opened at 6:15AM. The line of cars was miles long behind me!! I finally got to park around 7:15.  The crowds were tremendous along with radio-tv announcers. 2 viewing areas; North & South.
Bought a pancake/buffalo sausage breakfast and waited. The herd was driven through around 10:00 but it seems like about half of the 1,500 head that was advertised; a lot of people were disappointed.  It was neat watching the cowboys fire their blanks and gallop by and feel the ground shake a little as the bison went by.

They corral them all so I went down to take a look. Also had a buffalo bbq with beans and Miller! They auction off a lot of the older bisons there for meat.

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