Friday, September 24, 2010

The Badlands

I drove to the park entrance; I can connect here.

Poured rain and gusty again for the drive to Wall,SD. I stopped at
Wall Drugs which is pretty much half the town. Huge, touristy place,
crowded even on an off season crappy day.

I'd researched and found a great free campsite right in the Badlands 7
miles south of Wall on an access road. I found it and drove down the
rutted gravel until the trail to the camping area on the rim branched
off. It was impassable. After rain for 2 days it was uphill & covered
with slippery, gooey mud. I slipped just walking up so no way I would
try with a 3 1/2 ton motorhome. It was tough turning around there!

Plan B was drive 20 miles back to the "official" Badlands National
Park. Very windy and cloudy. Got a site at the campground-very open;
like camping in a parking lot. But WHAT A VIEW!

Got down to 39 last night after it finally cleared up and the wind
stopped. Beautiful full moon over the hills. Deer walking through,
owls hooting.

This morning there was mist over the prairie and it's perfectly clear,
high near 80 so I'm going hiking!

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