Sunday, September 19, 2010

Clear Lake, Iowa

I'm camped at McIntosh Woods on Clear Lake. Lots of grain fields on
the way here, overcast, cool and misty. A belt started squealing a bit
at high speeds so I tightened it up when I arrived here and checked
the oil (didn't use any). Park is pretty empty and I have an electric
site so I'm charging the laptop, shaver, etc. Plan on watching a movie
and popping some microwave popcorn!

I use a couple of jugs for just drinking water. The motorhome tanks
are for showers and washing dishes, etc. The last park on the river
got so little use looks like the water was a bit rusty. I thought the
coffee tasted a little thick this morning. This place is used more so
it's ok.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering what the stuff in the one jug was, I was starting to get worried until you said rustywater LOL ;-)
