Monday, October 4, 2010

Busy Day

I left Chamberlain and the Sioux museum and headed east. Again really strong winds made it a pain to drive. Stopped at a Lewis & Clark exhibit at a rest stop on I-90 right outside of town. The Lewis & Clark Expedition camped here on the way out and on the way back 2 years later. He called it Plum Camp because he found a lot of plum trees here along the Missouri. There was a 55 ft replica of one of the keel boats they used.

Next stop: Mitchell, SD, home of the Corn Palace!
Since 1892 they've had a Corn Palace here. It's wood underneath but covered in corn husks and ears. Inside is an arena for sports events and concerts.
Just follow the feet! "Corny" lives across the street. Even the lamp posts have corn.

Then I stopped in Sioux Falls, SD to see the USS South Dakota Monument. The South Dakota was the only ship in every major WWII Naval battle. The state couldn't afford to move the whole ship here so only bought pieces and then poured a concrete outline of the ship. The bow guns are now permanently aimed at a poor Walgreens.
A museum is in the center but CLOSES after Labor Day!?

Now I am 50 miles or so NE of Sioux Falls in Pipestone RV Park, Pipestone, MN. I picked this because it's half price with my Passport America card and it has wi-fi. It's next door to Pipestone National Monument: which I'll see tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to see corn museum.hey get some self portraits up.
