Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lazy Day

Looks like the wind I had in Wyoming yesterday followed me here. Very windy today; whitecaps out on the Missouri River. Sunny, though, and 64 or so. I hoped to see the Sioux Akta Lakota Museum  which is within walking distance of where I'm camped, but starting today, they are closed on Sundays for the season.

I decided just to stay here another day, listen to the Bills game on the web while watching the river through my window, and see the museum tomorrow. (Sounds like it's raining in Buffalo.) I'll drive past Sioux Falls into Minnesota (someplace)  tomorrow. Made scrambled eggs for brunch!
I checked the forum under tires and a fellow posted that he just had (6) new tires put on at Wholesale Tires in Morristown, MN. I checked and I will be driving 70 miles from there tomorrow!


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