Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Class Time!

Cool this morning; 46 out.

Yesterday was a full day of classes for me.  1st up was "RVing to Alaska". One thing I found out was it may be hard to get into any RV parks there without a reservation. Many RV Caravan Tours go through and book sites, bus tours and attractions a year or more in advance. So unless you want to dry camp with no utilities it might be worthwhile to go on a caravan.

Next was "RV Weight Safety" studies show 60% of RVs are overloaded. RVs are the only class of motor vehicles that are 100% loaded 100% of the time. Manufacturers stick the tanks and appliances and storage cabinets anyplace they can with little regard as to if weight is evenly distributed. So your total load may be within specs but way off balance with too much weight on one side or tire. Escapees offer Smart Weigh which measures all 4 wheels independently. The following class was by the same team, "RV Tire Safety" since overloading harms the tires. I was 1 of only 3 people who check their tire pressures every day.

The last class was a 2 hour "RV Fire Safety" by Mac the Fire Guy. He was quite the entertainer. After the talk and videos we went outside where he lit fires from pools of a gasoline/kerosene mixture and had ladies try to put them out while he tried to simulate the panic they'd feel in an actual fire. OSRIC was what he called it: "Oh Shit! Running In Circles!"  I finally saw my little aerosol foam extinguishers in action. It was due to what I read on his site that I bought some. He even sprayed some all over his face and body to show they're non-toxic. He said you might do this if the fire got around you.  The powder extinguishers were pretty messy; toxic dust everywhere.

Watch the videos.

Today's first class is "RVing to Mexico"!


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