Thursday, September 20, 2012

my view

Here is the view from my motorhome here. My neighbors can probably look
over my roof from inside their rv. Same on the other side.

Went to a couple more seminars yesterday. One on RV Storage Solutions
another on Is Fulltiming for You And finally one on Sedalia's famous
red light district. Evidently it was known countrywide for
it's number of whore houses. They operated with the tacit approval of
the city government by paying regular, weekly fines to stay in
business. At one point in the 1890's they shut them down for 3 months
and found the city couldn't pay it's bills, so the let them reopen.

Last night was the "Ham-o-rama", an amateur hour. 2 of the entertainers
were over 90!

Today a few more seminars and the big Chili Cook-Off.

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