Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Alabama to Virginia EXPRESS!

Well I drove 925 miles from Alabama to Yorktown, Virginia in 24 hours.
I am back at my daughter's house.

I left Alabama 9:00AM Saturday for Georgia's biggest state park,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt State Park. It's Georgia's biggest & Columbus
Day has past so I unhooked and headed up there. Got there: they were
totally full. Evidently Georgia has some kind of celebrate the leaves
weekend at their state parks AFTER Columbus Day. I also think all the
sites are reservable so none for "walk-ins". I asked the lady if she
could put me anywhere in the 10,000 acres for the night with no
hookups. Georgia also doesn't believe in overflow camping. She said no.
Seems to be a dearth of even private campgrounds in that area so I
though I'd drive up a few miles to the next state park. I called; they
were full, too. Now it is around 4 because I advanced an hour coming
back to EST.

I was pretty tired of GA and though maybe I'd just drive through to
Laura's in Yorktown. I drove through Atlanta & Charlotte, then stopped
at a Walmart in Kannapolis, NC to grab some shuteye. I slept until
3:40AM when 2 guys yelling at each other woke me up. Maybe the bars
closed. Tried to get back to sleep but couldn't. I felt pretty good so
decided to grab a cup of coffee and get moving.

The darn alternator light came on in the middle of nowhere, in the dark
at 4:30AM!? I think I figure out why it happens. IF I use the coach
battery for lights, etc., when I start the motorhome the charge system
notices the battery is low and calls for the motohome alternator to
charge the battery. That must send the Chinese remanufactured
alternator over it's capacity. That's why most times it doesn't come on
if I've been at electric sites. I think.

Anyway I pulled over, shut the engine off, restarted and it was fine.
The engine temp stayed at the high side most of the way which surprised
me because it was in the upper 40's. Have to check that out.

Got to Laura's at 10:00AM Sunday morning, 925 miles later, so 25
hours-3 sleeping time= 22 hours. I made pretty good time; not
much traffic at 3AM Sunday morning.

Laura has the house decorated for Halloween. The lemons are larger on
her little tree but still green. The pool is down and gone. Nice, 76
degree, sunny day today but I spent 3 hours napping!!

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