Friday, October 5, 2012

Around the Bayou

Just hung around the camp today; had a rotten sleep for some reason. Heard a rustle outside last night, went out with a flashlight and almost stepped on an armadillo! Scared the crap out of me.

Today I hiked around the campground. Saw a large hawk swoop down and land in a tree across the road for a bit. Saw this little lizard; looks like something may have chomped on his one leg but he was scampering around pretty quickly.

While I was cooking my hot dogs on the grill this little raccoon wandered over until I shooed him away. Then he hid behind a tree and kept peeking out. Early this morning a ranger caught a possible rabid raccoon in a wire hoop noose by the entrance building. The thing was growling, hissing and fighting like mad. They put it in a van and drove off.

After supper I walked over the bridge and looked at the water for alligators. Saw 2 tonight (1 last night) water as calm as can be. Mosquitos are FIERCE at night though. They don't buzz around much, just zoom in and start sucking. Don't make much noise, either, so I've had 3 or 4 on my leg before I knew it. Very busy tonight. The campers are coming in about every 5 minutes.

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